Altered gift ideas I'll be working on for Christmas 2010
This first idea...altered Starbucks Frappucino one that is on my list to make for teachers, co-workers and our neighbors next year. Usually I do baked goods/candies for both our neighbors and teachers, but since I am swearing off most of my usual Christmas baking next year (a little sadly, because I do love it...but for good reason), to make it a little less stressful while getting ready for both Christmas and a vacation to Disney - these will fill in quite nicely, I think. Still homemade, unique and heartfelt :) Plus, we usually take our neighbors their gifts on the morning of Christmas Eve...since we'll not be there Christmas Eve I was trying to think of something we could give a week before that they would be able to enjoy in the week leading up to Christmas...I saw an idea on another blog using these for a hot chocolate gift "basket". The best thing is that although I won't want to fill the jars too far in advance, I can have them all decorated up and ready to fill wayyy ahead of time, so that all I have to do before I hand them out is fill the jars, which shouldn't take any time at all! I am also thinking of using the same idea but changing it up a little to be some sort of 'pamper' gift...something like homemade milk bath in one bottle, bath salts in one and shower scrub in the 3rd...then maybe leaving the 4th jar out and putting a scrubbie or something in the 4th section? Come to think of it that might make a good teacher gift instead of the hot chocolate...hmmm! Things to think about. I will have to figure out exactly who will get what kind before I decorate them but I have already started collecting the 4-packs of Frap drinks for this project. Who knows...while working on them the creative juices might get flowing and give me even more ideas for others on my list.
Here is a pic of the one another blogger made:
This cute set was made by What an adorable inspiration!!
Another idea I am working on for my Sister in Law and her Hubby is an altered Family Scrabble Board. It will look something like this, although with different wording and their last name will be the "center" word that I build the other words off of:

Unfortunately, I saved this picture a long time ago and do not remember where I got it to give credit to the creative person who made this - but whoever/wherever you are - thank you for the beautiful idea!!
So far that is all I've found that I'm working on...except making fleece sleepmasks and pajama pants for my 4 kids that are Disney themed...I don't have any pictures of inspiration on those yet though because I haven't looked for patterns/ideas yet. I just know it's something I will be doing. I will post other ideas and pictures of my finished projects as I come up with them.
God bless and Happy New Year!
Posted in: Being Frugal, Budgeting, christmas, Family, friends, holidays, vacation on Wednesday, December 30, 2009 at at 8:13 AM