The Boys are Back in Town

These boys, to be exact :-) They'll be in Indiana June 28th, and I got tickets to see them!! Woot!! I am so excited about can't even imagine! I am seeing them for the 4th time, and this time they're going to be back where it all began (for me) Deer Creek Music Center (now known as Verizon Wireless Music Center). I had lawn tickets back then, I have lawn tickets now.

My sister-in-law is going, along with a friend of mine and a friend of hers. It is going to be a BLAST! The lawn tix aren't the best seats of course, but they were cheap, which is the only way I was able to go...but I consider myself lucky to go at all - especially after just seeing Keith Urban in concert on the 7th. We sat up close & personal for that one, which wasn't cheap - so to be able, a few weeks later, to see the New Kids on the first musical love...I am a blessed girl.

Sure, I'll have some fan-envy going on for all the lucky girls who get to sit up close...just like I did when their cruise rolled around and I was left land-locked - but I'll remind myself that I am lucky to be there at all, and with some great friends on top of it, and it will be an amazing memory which will last a lifetime!
Peace Out! :-)
