A Lesson in Faith

I should have known, before I hit "post" yesterday. I was having a down day, I really was. My faith was being overshadowed by doubt. I should have known better. I am still learning.

Today we called the Vet to see how much it would be to get the cats shots up-to-date. While my husband called, he also asked (for future information) how much getting them fixed would be. They gave him a quote, plus the quote to get their shots up-to-date. It really wasn't that much more (when you figure in separate office visits, etc.) to have it all done at once...but when my husband explained that we really could only afford to do the shots right now, what was *truly* necessary, the lady told him she could try to approve us for a Care Credit account. Now, I realize, putting vet/medical bills on a credit account is probably not the best idea - BUT, we were approved, and were approved for 0% interest as long as it's paid off within a certain number of months (which it would be). So, the cats are taken care of - one thing checked off the to-do list before turning in our application. The only other real obstacle in getting the paperwork turned in of course would be our physicals...which is now not an obstacle either because while perusing Care Credit's homepage - I see that there are doctors in our area that take it also.

So- although it isn't normally something I would do - putting medical bills onto a credit account, the 0% interest really makes all the difference. This way instead of putting our application on hold until we build up the money in our savings (we just started having $100/month direct deposited into our savings account), we can get it taken care of now and still pay it off with the money in the savings account...so I'm looking at it as essentially the same thing, however with a big bonus in that it won't delay our application process.

Now all we have to worry about is getting the Foster Home Fund built up so we can turn our loft area into a bedroom, but at least we have a little more time for that (I was told that it didn't matter in our state if it was officially a bedroom or not - so if that's true, while I still plan on turning it into a "real" bedroom, we can go ahead and get our license and everything before it's officially "completed"). I am still hoping however that we can sell those concert tickets and frame out/drywall the room before the end of May. That would be a big weight off of my mind!

Until next time - God Bless :)