Fencing Me In
I am really having a hard time getting used to this blogging thing again. But, I have the urge to have this space...even if I don't use it often or use it in spurts. I hope that's not against any blogger law :)
I have been debating recently whether to separate my blog into separate blogs for separate subjects which I anticipate writing about. I have lots of things I'd like to eventually get around to writing about here...things like the foster/adopt process, crafts & cooking, frugality, etc. I have noticed that some people have more than one blog for justthat reason, to separate their blogs sort of by subject. I am guessing this makes it easier if you have readers that only want to read about a specific thing. But I think I decided that I'm just going to continue with the one...after all the title is kind of all-encompassing, right? Live Wholeheartedly...it kind of, for me, symbolizes making themost of everything I do, and hopefully upon doing that I will find my life more fulfilling. Plus, it's obviously been hard enough for me to get started on one blog again, I can't imagine trying to post on and maintain more than one!!
So I am trying to figure out how to categorize my writings (as though there are so many rightnow, right??)...I do see that some people have options to browse their blog posts by subject - so I am going to figure out how to do that so that it is easier (for otherse and myself)to browse for one particular subject...say fostering. So hopefully someday soon, I will havesome little links right over to the side somewhere that show the categories of my posts.
Now, if it is weeks later and there are still no little links right over to the side that show the categories...well obviously that means I couldn't figure it out, and if you haveany advice, do tell! LOL :)
Posted in: blogging on Wednesday, February 18, 2009 at at 1:10 PM